Matt Bailey

Matt Bailey Profile Photo

Digital Marketing Instructor

Matt brings marketing know-how along with extensive B2B and B2C Sales experience. His training merges sales and marketing goals to produce a more dynamic, efficient and accountable strategy.

He has a passion to produce confident and profitable marketers, who in turn, create profitable companies.

Since 1998, Matt has presented at thousands of companies, conferences and workshops. He is one of the highest-rated presenters world-wide for his ability to communicate complex information in a practical humorous way.

He has authored:
- Internet Marketing an Hour a Day (Wiley/Sybex) 2011
- Wired to be Wowed, 2014
- Teach New Dogs Old Tricks, 2017


Matt was an early internet entrepreneur, creating an online real estate business in 1997. He sold that business and then moved into the world of enterprise software sales, with international accounts.

In 2002, he went back to his roots to work with web development agencies that were developing marketing departments to respond to the need for SEO. Eventually, he started his own marketing company, SiteLogic in 2006. During this time, requests for his training increased, as he traveled around the world for training and conference engagements.

In 2015, Matt sold his agency business and changed SiteLogic to a training and education company. Since that time, he has logged almost 1 million miles training companies around the world. When he is not training, Matt resides in a quite rural area of Ohio with his wife of 20+ years and four daughters. He is a beekeeper and enjoys reading with a good cup of coffee.

Aug. 22, 2022

Next Generation Marketing w/ Matt Bailey of SiteLogic - 011

In this episode of Marketing Distilled, We Interview a veteran of the marketing industry and digital marketing expert and educator Matt Bailey. Matt has worked with high-caliber brands like Microsoft, Disney, Nationwide, Proc...
Guest: Matt Bailey